Attorney at Law

Case Study 4

Estate Administration, Probate and Real Estate Settlements


An Estate valued at approximately $500,000 was in contention between Tom’s Client, who became administratrix of the Estate, and her half-brother [they were the only heirs]. The half-brother was estranged from his father when he was alive, and was jealous of the relationship between Decedent and Tom’s Client. The half-brother did everything he could to sabotage the administration of this Estate. Additionally, the half-brother took over the Decedent’s business when he died and ran it into the ground so that the business had no value.

Tom petitioned the Court to appoint an auctioneer to sell the business assets, which realized only the sum of $9,000. Tom defended his Client from the half-brother’s attempt to remove his Client as administratrix. He then arranged the sale of two separate parcels of real property, including the business property.  After three years of battles back and forth, the Parties finally reached a mutually agreeable settlement of the Estate.