Attorney at Law


Accepting the


Tom proudly accepts some of the most difficult cases, typically turned down by other Attorneys and fearlessly takes on the challenge of many complex cases.

In one recent wrongful termination/discrimination case, Tom represented his Client who was suffering from cancer – and obtained a verdict against her employer for over $1,600,000.

The Client had been told by her prior Attorney that she had no case, and excused himself from representing her. Prior to trial, the Client’s employer offered to settle at $10,000.00. Tom accepted the challenging case, and put in the hard work including late nights and weekends.  The work was rewarded with justice for his Client in the large award obtained.   

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Areas of Practice

Currently, Tom’s practice categories include:

•  Wrongful termination
•  Discrimination
•  Probate and trust litigation
•  Disputes involving the valuation of real property

•  Removal of a Trustee or Administrator
•  Failure to provide an accounting
•  Disputes regarding the contents of an accounting
•  Will and trust contests

•  Preparation of wills and trusts + complete estate plans
•  Sexual harassment or abuse
•  Sexual misconduct
•  Sexual assault cases against employers



Estate Planning

Providing clarity and protection for his Clients with methodical review and design, Tom enjoys providing Estate planning and protection services. He prepares Wills and Trusts and additionally serves as an Attorney for Administrators of Estates.   

Preparing Estate documents with the support of an Attorney and without stress is much more useful than feeling uncertain or unprepared.  The worst case is when lack of planning or improper documents cause people to face litigation - where there is normally one “winner” and one “loser” - at a time when no one would want to engage in litigation. Working with Tom to properly prepare Estate documents relieves the concern. Tom also welcomes Estate planning for the LBGTQ community.


“There is a much greater satisfaction for an Attorney in Estate planning, as the Client needs to be able to place their complete personal trust in me by disclosing their net worth and clarify the desire for distribution of their Estate in the event of death. It is a very difficult decision for some people. I enjoy supporting my Clients so they feel prepared and even relieved after completing their Estate documents.”



Wrongful Termination

Tom began to represented his client before his employment was terminated after his employer started to make wholesale changes in the management hierarchy and hired a new president to whom Tom’s client reported. Tom guided his client by ghost writing letters to the employer about its treatment of the client and how these changes were not cost effective. This extensive paper trail created by Tom and his client outlining that some of these changes were counter productive and unwise, eventually led to a settlement of $500,000.

The settlement in this matter would not have been as substantial without the guidance from Tom before the client’s employment was even terminated.


Tom Moser and his firm provide full and complete service to all clients.



Sexual Misconduct

In order to prove that a sexual assault and battery had occurred between Tom’s client and her male Supervisor, Tom sent a towel used by his client, to wipe herself, to a forensic expert to test it for DNA. The DNA results showed that the there was male sperm on the towel. Tom made a motion to compel the client’s Supervisor to submit to DNA testing; said motion was granted.


On the date, the Supervisor was to have his DNA tested and matched against the results, the case settled for the sum of $800,000.



Tom wants to help you find justice. To anyone struggling with wrongful termination, Tom offers: 

Free consultation for anyone who has lost his/her employment after 8 years of employment with the same company.

Tom has successfully represented both plaintiffs and defendants. He has tried in excess of 50 cases, including Court Trials, Jury Trials, cases in Federal Court, and Arbitrations.